Psychiana Demo Collection

A sample digital collection with demo data

Collection History

This collection has a history. I am practicing how to use Markdown. This text is in Italics. This is a project to create a free and simple digital collection using GitHub Pages.

Here is a list of items:

And a numbered list of items:

  1. The first item.
    With a line underneath it.
  2. And the second item.
    With a line underneath it.


Audio clip from collection (auto-caption)

Good News - Purpose of the Program

External audio clip (w/caption)

Radio program episode outlines the purpose of the 'Good News' radio program, to broadcast positive and peaceful things rather than negative.


Image from the collection (auto-captions)

Two images from the collection (w/captions)

Multiple images from the collection (auto-captions)

External image (no caption)

Photograph of Corner Drug Store in Moscow, ID
Photograph of Corner Drug Store in Moscow, ID


PDF from collection (auto-caption)

The PDF is not rendering in your browser. Please download the PDF to view.

The Amazing Story of 'Psychiana'

PDF from collection (w/caption)

External PDF (w/caption)

The PDF is not rendering in your browser. Please download the PDF to view.

A flyer to all Americans advertizing Frank B. Robinson's newest book.


Video from collection (auto-caption)

External Vimeo video (w/caption)

Psychiana Inc. - The World’s Largest Mail-Order Religion

External YouTube video (w/caption)

Psychiana - Frank B. Robinson Original Recordings - Radio Show Broadcast - 1935

Bootstrap Features


CollectionBuilder Website



Photograph of 1st and Main Street, Moscow, ID
Card Example

The card features an image from the collection as a caption

Technical Credits - CollectionBuilder

This digital collection is built with CollectionBuilder, an open source framework for creating digital collection and exhibit websites that is developed by faculty librarians at the University of Idaho Library following the Lib-Static methodology.

The site started from the CollectionBuilder-GH template which utilizes the static website generator Jekyll and GitHub Pages to build and host digital collections and exhibits.

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